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Lord-Lieutenant's Cream Porter 6.0%, The Chiltern Brewery, England
4 notes
Lord-Lieutenant's Cream Porter
6.0% Porter
A deluxe bottle conditioned porter launched by the Lord-Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire to celebrate our 20th anniversary, brewed with carefully balanced proportions of dark malts including chocolate malt. A creamy smooth, rich, smoky, ruby coloured porter with a generous charge of Fuggles and Goldings hops which provide a wonderfully balanced, gentle spice aroma.


Post author: Sir Talbot Buxomley
Sir Talbot Buxomley
1 year ago

Post author: James A
James A
@ Chiltern Brewery
5 years ago
Lord-Lieutenant's Cream Porter, England
Really good porter. A rich malty flavour with some sweet caramel coming over the top, and a smidge of hops. Tasty.

Post author: Simse
6 years ago
Given that I'm not a Porter fan I enjoyed this much quite a bit. Not as sweet and malty but with some hops as well.

Post author: Ilya M
Ilya M
6 years ago
An exceptionally smooth, mellow, creamy porter. Delicious!