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Session Blonde 5.0%, Chuckanut Brewery and Kitchen, United States
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Session Blonde
5.0% Session IPA
Light copper, earthy, fruity, hoppy, snappy, dry Session beer is an important plank in British pub culture. This 4% abv or less drink enables the British pub goer to down multiple pints during the evening without falling over. "Sessionable" is a praiseworthy quality in a beer in CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ale) circles, and there are Americans dedicated to spreading the idea of the session beer as well. But when did the term first come into use? The lightest table beers and family ales in the 19th century would have been 4.5 per cent alcohol or more, and "modern" light-but-tasty beer– that is, anything under about four per cent that still had flavour and drinkability – probably only began in the First World War. The government-imposed restrictions in Britain for beer strength brought about the session ale. The lowering of alcohol strength stayed on after the war because of steeply regressive tax rates, which made beers of pre-war strength too expensive to sell. Here in the U.S. we didn't have to worry about taxes but the idea of drinking a light alcoholic beer on a hot summer day in multiple quantities makes the beer very attractive! Chuckanut's Session Blonde is crisp and dry, with a light malt sweetness and floral ove
IBU : 40
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