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In the city of Cologne they drink and brew Kolsch Beer and the brewers' guild has protected it since 1254.  Kolsch is a top-fermented ale, a throwback to the days before lagers took over the Germanic world.  Kolsch offers the simple pleasures of a well crafted beer.  It is very pale, the aromatics are a light mélange of hops, malt, and fruit.  The Kolsch Beer maintains a bitterness that is quite restrained, although the palate is light-bodied and bone-dry, with a soft malt flavor in the center giving way to a drying, slightly acidic finish.  Smoothness is conferred by one to two months of cold conditioning.  Kolsch makes an excellent replacement for Stella Artois beer drinkers!  Subtle flavors with a unique yeast strain direct from Cologne make this an authentic Kolsch style beer.
IBU : 22
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