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Kraven's Kirweisse 6.1%, Black Raven Brewing, United States
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Kraven's Kirweisse
6.1% Berliner Weisse
The Kir is a French cocktail of black currant liquor topped with white wine. Kirweisse combines a Kir with the basic elements of the German Berliner weisse style: refreshing, wheat based, tart. This beer's nose will bring heavy berry-currant aroma followed by a woody wine-like depth. Kirweisse is very dry; has good mouthfeel from the use of wheat; and should taste slightly sour, but will not make your cheeks squeeze the inside of your mouth. A combined age of over 2 years in white wine barrels, Lactobacillus added while in the barrels and black currants added part-way through ageing. The Berliner weisse is typically consumed with the addition of a fruit syrup to cut the sourness. This permutation of the style will not need one; the black currants and barrel smoothness will take care of that for you.
IBU : 14
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