Home is where the heart is. For many of us here in East Boulder County, you'll find the heart in a home at the end of a cul-de-sac. No matter, it's what's inside that counts. Home is warming. Home brings comfort. Cul-de-sac Oatmeal Stout delivers rich, satisfying layers of roasty malt goodness reminiscent of dark chocolate hot cocoa served with your grandma's best oatmeal cookie enjoyed under the warmth of a well worn quilt. This cold weather sipper is brewed to 6% ABV from a complex blend of flaked oats, roasted barley, Golden naked oats, chocolate malt and dark crystal malt to create a smooth, full mouthfeel that is at home with a decadent dessert or as a decadent dessert on its own. Once you've reached the end of your Cul-de-sac, you may not want to leave.