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Clan Warrior Scotch Ale 8.7%, Odyssey Beerwerks, United States
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Clan Warrior Scotch Ale
8.7% Scotch Ale / Wee Heavy
In the Scottish Highlands, men are men . . . just not men the rest of the world would consider normal. They drink their Wee Heavy, eat their haggis, play their bagpipes, wear nice plaid skirts, and throw their giant poles in the air hoping to land the heavy things away from them in some field in front of large crowds. Normal? Probably not. Manly? Certainly. At Odyssey, we seldom wear skirts, the only bags we play are hacky sack bags, and our poles are much smaller than the Scots (must be genetics). But we do make a Scotch Wee Heavy that makes us think we are Highlanders too. Our Wee Heavy is rich and sweet and malty and showcases a blend of specialty malts. Is there some smokiness in there somewhere? You be the judge.
IBU: 29
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