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Special E.S.B. 5.8%, SKA Brewing, United States
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Special E.S.B.
5.8% Premium Bitter / Strong Bitter / ESB
Okay, that was stupid. But we can and we did. We can come up with can puns all day. We can do it. Can. This English Special Bitter is our "Special Ale." Special because it was the second canned microbrew in the nation (after Dale's Pale Ale). Special because the Galena hops and pale ale malts create a crisp first sip, a hoppy tongue, and a malty sweet finish. Though "bitter" is part of the name, "better" would be a more accurate term. Fresh and lively, this canned beer suits the needs of any outdoor enthusiast. Like it says on the can: Fish, Luau, Golf, Raft, Toboggan. Ska can!
IBU: 44
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