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So Happens It's Tuesday (2016) 14.7%, The Bruery, United States
1 ratings
So Happens It's Tuesday (2016)
14.7% Imperial Stout
Our infamous Black Tuesday® stout is named in honor of the great stock market crash of 1929. So Happens It's Tuesday is similarly dark and delicious, but in a more affable format, reminding us that there is always a bit of good to be found within the bad. Things happen, life goes on. This beer can be enjoyed in all of those moments and seasons.
IBU: 22


Post author: Sam S
Sam S
5 years ago
So Happens It's Tuesday (2016), United States
Well, today was tuesday so a perfect chance to drink this beer I have been saving for a couple of years now. And this stout is magnificent. Thick, tough, with caramel and chocolate in the beginning, but quickly turning into smoothness of vanilla, roasty coffee with a lovely touch of Bourbon and a strong bitter aftertaste. Lovely balance, just what I am looking for in a BA stout. The few years of aging seems to have done it wonders.