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The Big Meat 7.6%, Enegren Brewing Company, United States
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The Big Meat
7.6% Smoked / Rauchbier
Inspiration for our beers comes in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes it's from working outdoors and craving a cool refreshing beer, other times it's from sitting around a fireplace on a "market research" night. But, sometimes our inspirations are a little more obscure - The Big Meat is one of those brews. Chris, seemingly possessed by both Raymond Chandler and a German Brewmaster, drew a picture that inspired this beer one weekday afternoon. Nick, the only other person at the brewery at the time, swears that Chris went into a trance working furiously on the drawing - not leaving his desk, not uttering a word, and only taking short stops to drink some Valkyrie - until it was finished.
IBU: 31
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