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Strawberry Short's Cake 5.0%, Short's Brewing Company, United States
3 notes
Strawberry Short's Cake
5.0% Golden Ale / Blond Ale
Golden Ale brewed with fresh strawberries and milk sugar.
IBU : 25


Post author: Sirdubby
5 years ago

Post author: Sirdubby
6 years ago
Faint aroma of strawberries and a creaminess that is likely lactose. Taste has a pretty bold strawberry and a very smooth, creamy mouthfeel from the milk sugars (lactose). Very well balanced and not overly sweet. This is tasty and a great beer while I wait for my next one to warm up a bit. I'd pick this up again. I got it for $4.99 for the 6-pack on clearance. Couldn't pass on that price. Glad I picked it up. 3.75/5

Post author: Beer For Ed Please
Beer For Ed Please
6 years ago
I forgot all about buying this and upon pulling it out of the fridge I thought to myself 'oh no, this is gonna be bad'. I pictured something overly sweet and trying too hard. I have to admit, they did an alright job on this. The strawberry aromas are first to hit you. The flavor is even more strawberry infused. It's well balanced and pretty refreshing when cold. The sugars from the milk are about the only minus, it holds the tongue hostage too long and can only be satisfied by the initial downing of another sip of beer then hold the tongue hostage again. Sweet, maybe too sweet, but who the heck am i to say, i bought a beer called Strawberry Short's cake.