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Batch 69 American IPA 6.9%, Frankenmuth Brewery, United States
2 arviota
Batch 69 American IPA
6.9% India Pale Ale
Our Batch 69 American IPA is the 2015 World Expo of Beer Gold Medal winner for the IPA category! This true-brewed American IPA awakens the senses with layers of hop aroma and flavor including citrus, flowers and pine.
IBU: 69


Post author: Sirdubby
@ Frankenmuth Brewery
5 years ago
Batch 69 American IPA, United States
Flight 1 of 4 Refreshing IPA. Starts out with a kind of grassy hop character that transitions into piney and finishes somewhat clean. Some grapefruit is also present in the taste. 3.75/5

Post author: Sirdubby
@ Frankenmuth Brewery
5 years ago
Another tasty IPA. Slightly citrusy, slightly piney hops. Very good flavor. 3.75/5