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Wit 4.8%, Axle Brewing Company, United States
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4.8% Belgian Ale
Ahhh … The beguiling Witbier. This elixir screams history on your tongue. The ancient use of spices, oats, raw un-malted wheat and citrus fruit, teleport this beer back to a pre lager era of monastic brewers and 14th century vibes. This glorious beer had all but gone the way of the woolly mammoth and if it weren't for a simple milkman named Pierre Celis, who resurrected this style in 1966, this magnificent potion of fermented magic would have been lost to the ages. We bow with reverence when we blend traditional ingredients and brewing practices to create this beer of the ages. Its refreshing, slightly tart and quaffable nature leans heavily on history and to a legacy of a simpler time and place.
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