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Doryman's Ale 6.2%, Pelican Pub & Brewery, United States
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Doryman's Ale
6.2% Brown Ale
Our American Brown Ale has a dark brown color, with a balanced aroma of roasted malts and Northwest-grown hops. The sweetness of the ale and crystal malts blend beautifully with the assertive flavors of Cascade and Mt. Hood hops. A brew to be savored. This beer originated as a prize-winning homebrew many years ago. When Darron, the Brewmaster, began designing the beers for the Pelican Pub & Brewery, he adapted his old 5-gallon homebrew recipe to his new 15 bbl (465 gallon) brewery. It was well worth the effort, for not only has the Doryman's Ale been a perennial favorite here at the Pelican, but it has garnered prestigious professional awards.
IBU: 42
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