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Tuck 4.7%, Lincoln Green Brewing, England
36 arviota
4.7% Porter
Full bodied and dependable. A rich, smooth and well rounded porter.


Post author: DREWSKI
@ The Sir John Borlase Warren
6 months ago
Tuck, England
I’d given a 3.6 I’ve it was colder

Post author: Simon P
Simon P
2 years ago

Post author: Simon P
Simon P
@ Quorn and Woodhouse Station
2 years ago

Post author: Heinojii
3 years ago
Tuck, England
Porterkausi on alkanut joten tummaa lasiin. Etiketti on tässä kohtaa taas aika tylsä mutta katsotaan miltä itse tuote maistuu. Lasiin kaatuu pikimusta olut reiluhkolla pienikuplaisella vaahdolla. Tuoksu on paahteisen savuinen, tummaa suklaata ja lakritsinjuurta. Maku on savuinen ja kuivahko. Happoja on jonkin verran ja suutuntuma on mukavan pehmeä. Hyvä perus porter!

Post author: WexiLahti
@ Pint Please Headquarters
3 years ago
Tuck, England
The last beer of the package kindly sent by Pint Please. Thanks so much, boys, and Lincoln Green Brewing Company! 🙏🏻🍻 The beer colors murky black. Carbonation behaves gently and creates a porous, antique-yellowish head that exceeds two fingers. The foamy lid dwindles gradually downwards and brags with a dense lace ring on the top. Some lacings remain on the glass for considerably long. The nose receives a combination of raw chocolate, syrupy dark bread, rye porridge and a sweet nutty slam. Quite intriguing and certainly not standard. 🖤🖤 The taste profile turns drier and a tad roasted: I find charred malt, some tobacco and rye flour, escorted by a small injection of raw cacao powder and a faint bitter syrupy touch. The body is light but not thin. The finish is certainly dry and roasted, offering especially bitter charred malt, tobacco and ash. The aftertaste tucks its shirt into the trousers, puts on a tuxedo and shows off like a duke. The mouthfeel is light, roasty, charred and a bit tangy. It's also slightly dry but actually not drying. I'm not surprised as the dryness runs often in English Porters. I was excited about the fragrance but the palate returns the experience to the beaten track. The bottle is recognizable for the brewery's style. The black color is truly predictable for a Porter. Basically, I could think of buying this but a more modem appearance could attract even more.

Post author: JaskanKaljat
3 years ago
Tuck, England
Tuoksu: Paahteinen, kuivahko ja kahvinen. Kivasti tulee esiin suklaata ja pehmeys. ---- Maku: Makujen puolella pehmeys jatkuu. Runko kevyt ja liukuva, mutta ei mitenkään vetinen. Pientä makeutta, mutta myöskin kuivuutta. Loppuvedossa mukava humalan puraisi.

Post author: Pelle
3 years ago
Tuck, England
Hyvä portteri. Sopivan paahteinen ja ”tuhkainen” maku. Hieman enemmän voltteja ei olisi pahitteeksi. Sopii hyvin syksyyn.

Post author: Miikka
3 years ago
Tuck, England
Creamy scent. I like it! Taste is smooth and roasty. The creamy softness continues also there. I like the label design. Simple, traditional and bit expensive looking. 👌🏻 Having some pike with this porter!🐟

Post author: Jari J
Jari J
@ Pint Please Headquarters
3 years ago
Tuck, England
Lots of rust under the cap... Not a nice thing to spot. Bottled on:? Temperature: +10 C A bit darker than the Coca-Cola color. Large head with decent retention and nice lace: 4,25/5 Aromas of balanced roastiness with subtle nutty undertones and stronger herbal notes. Malty sweetness as well. Ok: 3,75/5 The mouthfeel is light, a bit sharp, and easy-going. Low bitterness: 3,5/5 Tastes of roastiness, chocolate, herbal and mild licorice with a touch of malty sweetness. The aftertaste is toasty and bitter, quite long also: 11/15 Decent low ABV Porter. Feels old-fashioned, which I like. Easily drinkable and quite tasty. Although gets slightly annoying as the herbal flavors increase when the beer gets warmer: 14/20 =36,5/50

Post author: Esa J
Esa J
@ Pint Please Headquarters
3 years ago
Tuck, England
Last one from Lincoln Green. It's been a pleasure, thank you!🍻 0,5l bottle from beer tumbler. The label shares the same design with the other bottles from Lincoln Green. Basic info is there and the design is ok, fonts are small here and there. Would not catch my eye on the shelves. Dark brown beer with brown foam. Roasted barley, burnt coffee and brown sugar on nose. Pretty high carbonation. Mouthfeel is slightly thin but somewhat oily. Lots of dark and roasted maltiness. Dark bread, day old dark roast coffee, burnt brown sugar and dark&bitter chocolate. Very faint unpleasant metallic note on the background. Some hay, light floral and citrussy note and a tad of basement. Ends with dark and bitter chocolate with some dark roast coffee. Solid porter. Big and bold flavors in a slightly thin package. I could see myself buying this.