6 ratings
Brewers's Reserve Rye Barrel Chocolate Porter
12.6% Imperial Porter
Pertti R
@ De Bierliefhebber4 years ago
Hyvä suklaa jossa mukana maussa kevyesti suolaisuutta.
Jälkimaussa jopa kevyesti minttua.
@ De BierTonne4 years ago
If I interpret the label correctly, this is vintage 2019. Murky, dark brown beer looks like black coffee with a drop of milk. Carbonation feels lazy. A meager, tawny head forms on the top, just to melt quickly completely away. An oily haze floats on the top; could it be fat remnants of cacao nibs? It doesn't look like yeast. I had the same "problem" in one of our homebrews.
I raise the glass up to my nose and inhale. First of all, the olfactory provision is astonishingly introvert. What I can identify include dark light-roasted malt and an alcoholic aroma that may be whisky or something else. Can't really recognize it.
The gustatory experience saves my nightcap. Bags of sweet dark chocolate and cacao nibs melt in relatively sharp whisky. Interestingly, the rye whisky flavor portrays only a little sweetness and something really distant that is difficult to distinguish but my best bet is black pepper. Oak barrel smashes my teeth in. First I fail to find any vanilla but after a while I believe it's there. I like this, I've had lately quite a few Bourbon barrel aged beers that it's nice to experience different whisky vibes, as well.
The body is full. The finish is fairly hefty but astonishingly balanced. A bit arrogant rye whisky challenges dark chocolate and raw cacao beans, seasoned with distinct vanilla and ass-kicking oak barrel. Black pepper decides to stay out of the finish. The aftertaste reads aloud "The Catcher in the Rye" for the tastebuds for a long time.
The mouthfeel is strong, full, rather deep and, yes, I would also argue it's rich but not complex, neither layered. Furthermore, the barrel aged mouthfeel doesn't let you go easy, it haunts with booziness and woodiness. Still, generally speaking, I dare say this is balanced. Or something...
@ De Bierliefhebber5 years ago
Tynnyrikypsytettyä portteria jenkeistä. Tummanruskea olut, hiivasakkaa jäänyt kohtalaisesti. Tuoksussa tummaa hedelmää, luumua sekä reilusti rukiinisuutta ja pähkinää.
Hieman kevyempi mitä odotti, matala hiilihapotus, alkoholi lämmittää suussa. Ensipuraisussa makeahkoa suklaata ja kaakaota, joka kääntyy selkeästi kuivaan bourboniin loppua kohden. Ei mikään huonompi makuyhdistelmä ja ihan nätisti alkoholi piilossa. Onhan tämä ihan makoisa, mutta ei niin huikea mitä saattoi odottaa.
5 years ago
Kaverin tarjoamana, kiitos tästä!
Tuoksussa reilusti ruista, viskisyyttä, paahdetta ja suklaata. Herkullinen tuoksu.
Suutuntuma keskitäyteläinen. Maussa tummaa paahdetta, ruisviskiä, makeaa siirappia, tummaa suklaisuutta.
Makea, suklainen herkkuporter. Koko pullo olisi voinut makeuden puolesta alkaa tökkimään, mutta hyvä näin!
5 years ago
5 years ago