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Thor's Equinox 9.0%, Odin Brewing Company, United States
3 ratings
Thor's Equinox
9.0% Belgian Strong Ale
Hints of rum, dates and figs compliment the fruity esters in this strong Belgian style ale.  Locally made dark candi syrup helps keep the body surprisingly light in this big beer worthy of rumination.
IBU: 20


Post author: Gordzilla
@ Beverly Corners
6 years ago
Thor's Equinox, United States
A massive head forms whilenpourong this reddish brown strong Belgian (allegedly) ale. The head does not last long in this state and settles to a thin sparse layer. It does have a definite Belgian aroma but also a bit of a hefeweizen scent as well. Included are scorched sugar, caramel, fruity ester, apricot, mild banana, very mild bubblegum. The flavors are much the same. The alcohol seems well hidden. Tasty but not amazing.

Post author: P Ness
P Ness
8 years ago
Good beer. Has a nice blend. Not to heavy.