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Captain B 5.3%, Irving & Co. Brewers Ltd., England
4 notes
Captain B
5.3% Spiced Beer
A Festival special Spiced Rum Ale that started as a joke! “I will NEVER do a beer called Captain B*********!” said Malc,.. er’ this strong sweet and spicy taste of the Caribbean proves otherwise. Flavours of Cinnamon and Vanilla dominate with dark sugar notes.


Post author: James Š
James Š
6 years ago
I literally had one gulp of this but that was enough that to form an opinion. Nice!

Post author: Jamie K
Jamie K
6 years ago

Post author: Badgersar$e
6 years ago
What an awesome, smooth beer - essence of the Caribbean with the rum “punch” and such a smooth downtime - highly recommended!

Post author: John L
John L
9 years ago
Lovely beer if you can find somewhere which stores it properly