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Steampunk 5.2%, Sibeeria, Czech Republic
2 ratings
5.2% California Common / Steam Beer
Czech collaboration. Steam beer is a historical beer phenomenon created by deflecting from a German brewing tradition in California by the end of the 19th century. Simple in its ingredients, process and nature, it’s always been a light, amber brew defined by a combination of light maltiness and low hoppiness. While its most famous producer has been going through a rough patch recently, together with the Clock crew we decided to increase its fighting chance in Central Europe and brewed one to gain more local support.
Hops: Cascade


Post author: Thyy
@ BeerGeek Bar
1 month ago
Steampunk, Czech Republic
Olut on väriltään punertava ruskea ja vaahtoa kertyi parin sormellisen verran. Tuoksu on maltainen, kypsän hedelmäinen. Maku on on kypsän hedelmäinen. Pehmeä, mutta vahva jälkimaku!

Post author: Lasis
5 months ago
Steampunk, Czech Republic
Collaboration with Pivovar Clock Kirkas punertava kupari. Kermankeltaiset vaahdot. Tuoksu maltainen. Maku maltainen, leipäinen, karamellinen ja hiukan sitruksinen. Hyvä olut.