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Cream of Nelson 6.4%, Basqueland Brewing, Spain
2 notes
Cream of Nelson
6.4% Milkshake IPA
¡Nelson pays us a visit! We’re adding to the ‘Cream of’ family this Oat Cream IPA with lactose and New Zealand Nelson Sauvin hops to enjoy in all its splendor. It exudes intense aromas of white Cabernet Sauvignon grape with its characteristic diesel profile, along with ripe gooseberry and passion fruit. The beer has a creamy and dense mouthfeel, thanks to the three types of oats added alongside the barley: Golden Naked with a hint of nutty profile, malted oats, and unmalted oats, which, together with the lactose, envelop the hop flavors and deliver them with all its grace.


Post author: Tuomas S
Tuomas S
@ Manager's Bar
29 days ago
Cream of Nelson, Spain
Mehuisaa ja juotavaa. Vähän rypäleinen.