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Joulusahti 2023 9.5%, Teva Brew, Finland
1 ratings
Joulusahti 2023
9.5% Sahti / Kodiõlu / Gotlandsdricke
Malts: Caramel 300, Chocolate, Rye


Post author: WexiLahti
@ Teva Brew
5 months ago
Joulusahti 2023, Finland
Malty Christmas to all Pint Please folks! May the beers be with you today and forever!! 🎄🎅🏼🤶🏻🎁🍗🍻 Yesterday one homebrewed Sahti and one commercial Sahti. Today two homebrews more. Our own. This is the base version. The tint is foggy, dark brown with a ruby beam. Extraordinarily shy carbonation gives a soapy bubble ring circling the top. Soon the surface is more or less still. Sweet-leaning scent. Malt, biscuit, banana and a tiny helping of chocolate. Promising, I'm looking forward to enjoying this on the tip of my tongue. Mmmm... lovely. The basic elements are certainly there: I'm picking sweet malt, banana — also banana peel —, and a hair-thin hint of clove. Additionally, I can find exactly those flavors that we have used for the finetuning of the gustatory potpourri: strong biscuit, milk chocolate, cacao nibs and a suggestion of caramel. Alcohol is totally absent! Very tasty! 🤎🤎 The body is medium, perhaps even marginally bigger. The ending segment is intensively malty with appealing biscuit, lush banana, interestingly growing chocolate and a load of cacao nibs. Do I lose anything here compared to the actual gustatory enjoyment? Probably not, even the caramel is recognizable. It's Christmas again, Christmas again, the pots are full of porridge; now you can have, now you can have, a stomach full of aftertaste. The mouthfeel is medium to medium-full, lip-glueing, soft but not exactly velvety, but certainly smooth. It's reasonably rustic with a modern innovative twist (I wonder what it means...). The mouthfeel is also very balanced, relatively strong, intriguing. Good stuff indeed!! 🤎🤎🤎