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Patrons Projects 36.05 // The Witch Doctor 6.6%, Northern Monk Brew Co., England
3 ratings
Patrons Projects 36.05 // The Witch Doctor
6.6% New England IPA / Hazy IPA
Our fifth release with Chris (simpsons artist), The Witch Doctor, wicca wicca woo. A devilishly juicy IPA, packed with Cashmere, Idaho 7, Cascade, Talus and Ekuanot hops, this IPA is brewed with some rye in the grist for a touch of golden orange colour and a deep, earthy spiciness to it. There will be tropical notes in there as well as some herbal and floral flavours, with hints of grapefruit and some lime. Resulting in this golden elixir, concocted in the cauldron by our brewers Sam and Sam. 6.66% ABV // 440ML
Hops: Cascade, Cashmere, Ekuanot, Idaho 7, Talus


Post author: Wil N
Wil N
@ La TapRoom
9 months ago
Patrons Projects 36.05 // The Witch Doctor, England

Post author: WilleW
@ Hoptimaal
10 months ago
Patrons Projects 36.05 // The Witch Doctor, England
Wicca wicca woo, huikean siistit grafiikat Simpsonien piirtäjältä purkissa! Olut on Northern Monkin patrons pjojects -sarjaa. Huikeinta tässä on ehkä se, että 5 eri humalaa ja ruis, jota tässä on käytetty, on saatu todella hyvin balanssiin. Makupaletti onkin sitten melko kompleksinen ja saa tosissaan etsiä eri makuja. On trooppista hedelmää, kukkaisuutta, yrttisyyttä, satsumaa ja limeä sekä yllättävän paljon happamuutta. Kaikki samassa pehmeässä, kermaisessa paketissa. Jotenkin kuitenkin sekavaksi jää eri makujen kanssa. Muutoin mukavasti nautittava olut.

Post author: Paul G
Paul G
11 months ago
Patrons Projects 36.05 // The Witch Doctor, England
A five hop concoction from Northern Monk as one of their patron's projects which allows DIY brew enthusiasts to showcase their own recipes, handed over to NM to brew and distribute. I haven't had a patron's projects for ages and they're good, varied approaches from gose to floral pale and this brew looks to be a big IPA. It's got a deep honey amber colour, completely opaque and a thin ring of head. Juicy on the nose with apricot, peach, satsuma and grapefruit with a spicy floral pine air too. Very silky smooth in the mouth, it's glides down like nectar and has a single cream body. The bitterness is quite low and it's almost sweet, leaning more to the nectar analogy. The finish is clean and white short which makes this brew easier to drink and morish. Though I expect the flavour and finish will enhance and expand as this brew breathes. Balancing five hops like this is impressive, it's a five way harmonious marriage (imagine that!) that results in a fruit salad and cream beer. The pine is rearing it's head more now in the finish, and for me it doesn't improve it, yes it's complexity and variation but it's killing the sweet harmony. It's still nice though, a big boy 6.66% ABV IPA with big flavour that fully covers the alcohol. Definitely worth having.