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port in a storm 4.7%, Salopian Brewery, England
3 notes
port in a storm
4.7% Flavoured Stout / Pastry Stout
The perfect refuge from any storm - freshly roasted coffee and burnt cocoa are followed by delicate dark fruit and a hint of paradise that entwines together to deliver a velvety smooth finish in this stout.


Post author: 1972GAZMOD
@ The Swan
7 months ago
port in a storm, England
still a boster of a beer. Same profile as before. Could quite happily have it all night long. record being sung by the singer just now.

Post author: 1972GAZMOD
@ The Swan
7 months ago
port in a storm, England
Another bostin pint from Salopian. Nice burnt malt aroma. Similar taste profile but with a subtle fruitiness mixed in. Slight bitter aftertaste but enjoyable. Smooth and easy drinking session ale even at the abv but steady on there🆗