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Ella 6.6%, Polly's Brew Co., Wales
1 notes
6.6% India Pale Ale
Through every iteration of our growth over the last demi-decade, one thing that has persisted throughout is this brewery’s love of hops, and how we’ve born an entire business that now looks after the livelihoods of fourteen team members from this love. The Hop Studio felt like a natural extension of this love – showcasing the single most complex, wonderfully diverse ingredient we use in our process bar none. Ella is a varietal that has an incredible back story, backed up by its potent flavour and aroma notes that make it perfect for a Hop Studio IPA. A half-sister to the world-renowned Galaxy hop, sharing the same mother plant, but with male parentage of noble German ancestry, we love how this causes delicate floral and spicy aromas, but on the palate a complete tropical punchbowl of flavour. Delicate, but at the same time aggressively flavoursome, Ella makes a welcome addition to the Hop Studio party.
Houblon : Ella
Malts : Golden Promise


Post author: Paul G
Paul G
@ Bottle and Jug Department
8 months ago
Ella, Wales
Not sure if I've had Ella hops before and I understand it is genetically related to Galaxy. A deep and cloudy honey coloured brew with big and deep aromas of perfume, sweet slice and tropical juice. Very silky smooth and soft with gentle flavour that slowly expands into a persistent tang. Honey comes to mind again even though it's not the sweetest I've ever had and even though it's a very rich hop in the end. This brew is very Deya and very Polly's, which is to say an enthusiastically hoppy approach like Deya, saturated but smooth and thick mouthfeel like Polly's does best. Flavours are interesting, bouncing from floral like elderflower to rich tropical tang like pineapple with a decent pine finish. I'm getting a bit of coconut after the floral portion too. And the tang isn't just tropical it's also spicy like star anise. So it really does end with strong flavour. It's not really a juicy bomb because of the pine and spice strength, but is it beautiful? Yes sir, it's a Polly's.