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Snake City 6.0%, Polly's Brew Co., Wales
2 notes
Snake City
6.0% India Pale Ale
Houblon : Chinook, Citra, Ella


Post author: Max L
Max L
@ La Caisse de Bières
7 months ago
Snake City, Wales
Polly's c'est vraiment une valeur sûre ! Cette IPA typique offre de très belle saveurs exotiques avec une fine amertume boisée

Post author: Darren W
Darren W
@ Pollys
9 months ago
Snake City, Wales
This has that ‘wow’ moment when you open the can and smell those lovely hops that you only get with a Pollys beer. Very smooth throughout with a unique flavour that I’ve never come across before. Must be the Ella Hop! Another cracking Pollys beer 👍