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Smudge 5.2%, Lineman, Ireland
1 ratings
5.2% Oatmeal Stout
Chocolate Oatmeal Stout


Post author: Mark S
Mark S
10 months ago
Smudge, Ireland
Can pour was vibrant with lots of foam with each wave of stout. Body is jet black with two fingers of late coloured soft foam. Scent is a little off, upfront ashen cinder, with only slight espresso and a strange smokey finish. Feeling in the mouth is thin and and flat, the foam had completely dissipated and despite the trace bubbles on top, the stout has gone completely flat. To boot, the body is very thin and edging close to being outright watery. Taste is an improvement on the scent, espresso comes to the fore and deep roasted taste lingers deep into the aftertaste. There is a subtle sweetness but nothing to explicitly identify it as the advertised chocolate. More likely from the oatmeal. It's like drinking a cold Americano with alcohol. Fine on one hand but not what I was looking for. It's not like Lineman to put out a bad beer.