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Hapan Vehmaalainen 5.0%, Raita Brewery, Finland
5 ratings
Hapan Vehmaalainen
5.0% Sour / Wild Ale


Post author: WexiLahti
@ United Gypsies (UG) Brewery
8 months ago
Hapan Vehmaalainen, Finland
And now something sour for a nightcap to ignite my gastric acids. The brewery is a new acquaintance to me. The appearance is cute, turbid crimson. Mildly carbonated. An off-white bubbleless head climbs one finger high and dissipates hastily to a hair-thin lace ring on the top. What do I smell here? Blueberry and blackcurrant at least. Mash. Maybe also slightly jam-like. Vanilla merges with lactose and brings in a sweet impression. Moderate biscuit and wheat malt in the background. The taste identify offers more diversity than the fragrance: blueberry and blackcurrant gain new friends of redcurrant and red apple. Wheat malt is easily detectable, I don't recognize any other grain here. Vanilla and lactose remain depictable. The body is light. Not definitely more but also not less. The end wave doesn't change from the upfront experience. At all. It's sweet, but it's bitter, the aftertaste's gone for the winter; it's a worry of mine, like lemons in water; it's a hit of the sour, just day-old wine. The mouthfeel is light, medium-tart, drying, mash-like, rich in berries, natural and a bit mouthcoating. Fairly balanced.

Post author: Jokinen
11 months ago
Hapan Vehmaalainen, Finland
Marjamehumaisen punainen ja ohutvaahtoinen. Tuoksu on happaman marjaisa. Maussa hapanta marjaisuutta, sekä laktoosimaista makeutta. Vaniljaisuutta, heinäisyyttä ja havuisuutta. Kevyttä suolaisuutta ja sitruksisuutta. . Kepeä ja marjaisan mehumainen, sekä vaniljaisan makea. Helposti juotava miedon hapan olut.

Post author: CossuRs
1 year ago
Tasapainoinen, maukas sour.

Post author: ASoinio
1 year ago
Hapan Vehmaalainen, Finland
Hieman mustikkainen sour. Aika hapan, ei omaan makuun.

Post author: Jokinen
1 year ago
Hapan Vehmaalainen, Finland
Vanilja ja mustikka maistuu hyvin.