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Steady Eddie 7.0%, Union Craft Brewing, United States
2 notes
Steady Eddie
7.0% India Pale Ale
It's the bottom of the 9th. You're down by 2. The crowd roars with confidence as Steady Eddie is called to the plate. Here's the pitch. The crack of the can echoes off the bleachers. The smell of hops fills the air. It's a three-run homer of bitter Green Bullet, tropical Azacca, and the herbal lemon essence of Sorachi Ace to bring it all home for the win in this unique Wheat IPA. This ale is an all-star player on your spring and summer roster. So when you're in the clutch, call up Steady Eddie. Always ready. Always steady.


Post author: JonD
@ Wholefoods
6 years ago
Steady Eddie, United States
The wheat is forward, with a maltiness that is honeyesque. The IPA citrusy hops notes develop accross the middle along with some bitterness. It all comes together in the end with a sophisticated complexity that could be missed if not focusing.

Post author: Toni Lee Monteparte
Toni Lee Monteparte
8 years ago