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Macleans 6.5%, Macleans Brewery, Canada
3 ratings
6.5% India Pale Ale
Strong Beer, a 6.5 IPA brewed in Grey County Ontario Canada. Lively dry hopped and Malt flavour. Charles McLean Brewmaster.


Post author: Beer For Ed Please
Beer For Ed Please
7 years ago
Smokey. Dark and Smokey. Coffee notes on the after taste, but nothing but smoke on the forefront. Its not a bad thing, its just not what i was expecting. Its a nice dry stout, I would drink it again.

Post author: Joe D
Joe D
8 years ago
It's a nice be in the wrong category

Post author: Joe D
Joe D
8 years ago
Macleans IPA Kettle and dry hopping with the right amount of Malty flavours. Personally I find the Malt is overpowering the hops to call this a IPA is stretching. I would put it more to a lauger