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Minus 12°C – Vintage 2023 9.5%, United Gypsies (UG) Brewery, Finland
6 arviota
Minus 12°C – Vintage 2023
9.5% Eisbock
Ice distilled bock in the coldness of Pappilankorpi (Lohja) in January 2023.


Post author: Wii
1 year ago

Post author: Timo L
Timo L
@ Craft Beer Helsinki 2023
1 year ago

Post author: Juho
@ United Gypsies (UG) Brewery
1 year ago

Post author: WexiLahti
@ United Gypsies (UG) Brewery
2 years ago
Minus 12°C – Vintage 2023, Finland
Renovation stuff ongoing 🔨🪚🪛 Hallway ceiling sanded today. Now new paint can be applied. What better could I reward myself with than an Eisbock? And the winter decided to come back... With whose permission, if I may ask? Gosh. 🌨️❄️⛄ The beer shows a murky, deep dark brown complexion. Carbonation is understandably quite modest but a decent latte-hued lacing still decorates the top for a short while until it fades to a hair-thin lace ring. Dark light-roasted rye malt finds my nose first. A bit floury scent actually. A suggestion of raw licorice joins the narrow pipe of flavors. Let me take a sip of this noble nectar. Indeed, dark rye malt with a slightly husky and roasted sensation. Moderately rye crackery, as a matter of fact. Grassy hops season the malty punch. Moreover, I can spot copious raw licorice root and cough syrup (with no sugar...). No alcohol. At all. Well well... I was hoping for sweet flavors but I don't get any. The body is medium, which is welcome. The finish offers licorice root and rye malt first. The hoppy slam enters the scenery a few seconds later. I think it's a plus, the aftertaste thinks I'm a minus; looking at the past, I'll leave that behind us. The mouthfeel is medium-mellow, a tad intense, deep, somewhat crisp, mouthcoating and lip-glueing. It's relatively dry, a bit husky but simultaneously also oily. The beer has its advantages but it misses too many attractive qualifications of Eisbock.

Post author: Kimmo M
Kimmo M
@ United Gypsies Brewery
2 years ago
Minus 12°C – Vintage 2023, Finland