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WIPA 5.4%, Les Brasseurs, Switzerland
1 notes
5.4% White IPA


Post author: WexiLahti
@ Les Brasseurs - Genève
1 year ago
WIPA, Switzerland
Cloudy, deep gold beer from the tap. Carbonation behaves well and pushes up an off-white, frogspawny head that exceeds one finger. Retention is long, and a thick cap covers the beer's previous aromas. The scent is shockingly impotent: mere faint wheat malt tries to fly but the wings don't carry. I'm also imaging something like orange or banana but I actually can't find them when I focus carefully. The taste profile is, fortunately, bolder although not big in any standard. I'm picking wheat malt and a reasonable intense hoppy punch. The nature of the hop is strongly grassy. Biting lemon peel and pith try to confuse me, so does the yeast that decides to stay in the background anyway. The body is thin. The finish is bitter citrusy, the same peely and pithy flavors want to dominate but can't yet overshadow the wheaty slam. The mouthfeel is almost thin, crisp, tangy and surprisingly little musty. I wouldn't call this "refreshing" either but it could be worse. Still reasonable in its own challenging category. Accompanies my "Brasseurs Salad".