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Hooke 6.8%, Bakunin Brewery / Бакунин, Russia
1 ratings
6.8% India Pale Ale
Cold IPA is a new trend among IPAs designed to open up hops from a new angle. Designed to be the antithesis of the "cloudy" NEIPA, it is fermented with lager yeast but at higher temperatures to avoid typical lager aromatics. Prolonged ripening made it almost crystal clear. At the same time, the hopping remained the same massive. The result is a clean, dry, bitter, powerfully hopped IPA with a new twist.
IBU: 25
Hops: Citra, Idaho 7, Mosaic


Post author: Александр
@ CraftBeerCafe
1 year ago
Hooke, Russia
Cold IPA, что-то новое для меня.🤔 Прекрасно! Аромат, это просто космос. Мощный, объёмный, разноплановый. Тут и многогранность тропических фруктов, и сладость цветов, и изморозь зимнего хвойного леса. Карбонизация выше среднего, поэтому колючий глоток. Вкус не менее богат, и представлен теми же акцентами, весьма гармоничен и приятен. Невысокая горечь может кого-то расстроить, но её дефицит не рушит композицию, более того читается закономерность. Чрезвычайно доволен этим пивом! Cold IPA, It's something new for me🤔. Wonderful! The fragrance is just cosmos. Powerful, voluminous, versatile. Here is the versatility of tropical fruits, and the sweetness of flowers, and the frost of a winter coniferous forest. The carbonation is above average, hence the prickly sip. The taste is no less rich, and is represented by the same accents, very harmonious and pleasant. Low bitterness can upset someone, but its deficiency does not destroy the composition, moreover, a pattern is read. Extremely glad with this beer!