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Belgian Halcyon 7.4%, Thornbridge Brewery, England
1 ratings
Belgian Halcyon
7.4% Belgian IPA
We love to experiment with our illustrious Imperial IPA, Halcyon, using its great balance and flavour profile as a canvas to try out new ideas. For this version, we have kept the hops, malts and water the same as usual, but utilised a completely different yeast variety. This time, we have selected a full-bodied Belgian strain, famous for the rich fruit flavours it creates within the beer; expect cherry and plum with whispers of cloves.
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Post author: Lee W
Lee W
2 years ago
As it warmed up it got better. Decent beer but not one you'd have in a session really. It's more of a one or two on an evening or Sunday afternoon with your roast and the football kind of beer. Certainly interesting and different to those not used to that Belgian yeast flavour but not overpowering either. Worth a go, but try to get it cheaper than £5 a can normal price - it's not worth that.