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Sausserdis 5.2%, Labietis, Latvia
3 ratings
5.2% Sour / Wild Ale


Post author: WexiLahti
@ Genys Brewing Taproom, Laisvės Alėja
2 years ago
Sausserdis, Latvia
Another Genys taproom. Many beers are the same as yesterday in the other taproom but some different/new ones there are, as well. Still, not enough to go for a flight. Muddy, deep ruby beer with tame carbonation unleashes a white-pinkish head that just reaches one finger. Soon the foamy cap shrinks to a thin lace ring. The scent emits loads of berry aromas, like blackcurrant and blackberry, perhaps also a wisp of raspberry. Cranberry shakes hands with blackcurrant and blackberry in the gustatory universe. Lingonberry steps onto the stage albeit somewhat shy. Wheat malt is in the basement. Interestingly, as I read the beer description on the internet, the beer contains also honeysuckle berry. It's not exactly an unfamiliar berry to me since I've tasted a Lambic with that particular berry: called Camerise. Nevertheless, it's impossible to disaggregate it here as this beer is composed of several similar berry flavors. The body is light. The finish gives the same berries, cranberry can't be missed here either. The end comes fast though. The mouthfeel is light, rich in berries, juicy and gardeny. Tartness is moderate and there's basically no puckering sensation at all. Only slight acidity.

Post author: Jussi
@ Labietis Brewery, Riga
2 years ago
Sausserdis, Latvia
Marjainen ja maukas. Hiukan jauhoinen ja vatukkainen.