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Fluid Puree Berliner Weisse / 流体果泥 4.1%, Mahanine Brewing Co. / 大九酿造, China
1 notes
Fluid Puree Berliner Weisse / 流体果泥
4.1% Berliner Weisse
A large amount of fruit puree was poured into Berliner Weisse beer, including a rich cherry flavor with a sweet and sour taste, complemented by a complex berry flavor. The tartness of Berliner Weisse is perfectly balanced. The thick puree texture makes it seem like a glass of reddish-pink non-Newtonian fluid! 大量的水果果泥倒入了柏林酸小麦啤酒中,展现出馥郁的酸中带甜的樱桃味,配以复合莓果的风味点缀,与柏林酸小麦的酸味完美平衡。粘稠的果泥质感让它宛如一杯玫红色的非牛顿流体!


Post author: UC08
2 years ago
Fluid Puree Berliner Weisse / 流体果泥, China
Oversweet juice