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Águas Profundas 10.5%, Captain Brew, Brazil
2 valoraciones
Águas Profundas
10.5% Imperial Flavoured Stout / Imperial Pastry Stout


Post author: Porterhouse
@ Beerdome
2 years ago

Post author: Juovo
@ De Bierliefhebber
2 years ago
Águas Profundas, Brazil
Congratulations to all new graduates, well done! I'm going to congratulate myself with all new beer from Brazil, this might be my first one from there. Interesting soup indeed. Pours deep  pitch black colour, capped by a small tan layer of foam that settles into a nice milky way like drawing on top. Oily, pretty creamy foam leaves sights of its existence here and there. So good so far. The aroma is stunning. Candy cotton like sticky pure cream and huge milk chocolate just flit into the nose like the most lenient touch. Scent from rose petals and otherwise flowery feeling is just absurd how it fits so well in this kind of beer. Still there is a deeper blow from dark, robust cocoa beans and malts, which are very well balancing the smooth touch from the other side. Darker, jellied berries twirl in the background, but are clear. There are scents of great, little bit matured tropical fruits like banana and mango, also tonka bean like nut and darker, crushed herbs. I wasn't expecting anything like this, but this is just loveable aroma. The taste follows quite well from the aroma, but with a deeper and robust attitude. Huge setting of chocolate from floury frosting all the way to fresh beans with creamy, silky touch just makes smile. Caramel character is still mixed with candy cotton and is a very generous element, but doesn't overwhelm - balance is just on level. Robust malts and a bit nut like wooden note are rich and create frames to this carnival. Malts have a little burnt coal alongside and that takes care of that palate follows the line. Ripe fruits and blackberries are there, actually quite big in the end. Flowery, rosy feeling is with everything and creates the unique thing for this beer, deeper flow makes this side a bit like perfume, in a good way. Aftertaste lasts long; chocolate all the way, ripe fruits, dark malts and flowery with dark herbs. Mouthfeel is creamy, thick, sticky and long lasting. The body is built with precision and fresh, amazing ingredients and the end result is like the best dessert in a private beach under the palms. I'm speechless, Brazilian Imperial Stout that marches in like nothing before. Huh.