2 years ago
Robe rouge marron avec des particules flottantes. Barley wine Ukrainienne très réussie. Un goût de poire et de pomme accompagnent agréablement l aspect caramel/ toffee typique des barley.
Bière légère et fruitée malgré les 10,5 abv.
Joli succès.
@ Beerdome2 years ago
Solidarity beer #12 🇺🇦
This is the beer I erraneously thought I had tasted but it was the Muscat barrel aged edition. This one is the standard version. Vintage seems to be 2022.
The beer shows a transparent, red-brown tea-like appearance. Carbonation is introvert. A cream-white, dense bubbleless head exceeds one finger. Soon the top is adorned by a neat uneven haze and a thick lace ring.
Sweet malt, date, raisin, Bourbon and vanilla send their flying kisses to my nose. Sweet 🤎 This beer is not barrel aged – or shouldn't be – but I still pick such nuances. Cane sugar is in also evident in the fragrance.
Sweet malt, caramel, butterscotch, date, raisin, cane sugar and – not Bourbon but – dark rum constitute the gustatory enjoyment. Nice cocktail! Vanilla is unmistakeable. As if also lactose lingered on the tastebuds but it must be a hallucination. Alcoholic but in a good way.
The body is medium-full to full. The finish is identical to upfront, sweet, even sappy to some extent. Rum, cacao and vanilla are evident. The aftertaste sails to an unknown land and finds eventually solid soil under its feet.
The mouthfeel is medium-full, sappy, balmy, smooth and desserty. It's thick and sticky, relatively deep as well as rich. Slow sipper for sure. Works probably better in a cold winter night than today when sweat is the order of the day. Still very appealing! 🤎🤎
Even better than the Muscat barrel aged version.
Jari J
@ Beerdome2 years ago
First Ukrainian beer for me.
Bottled on 28.1.2022
Temperature: +11 C
Mahogany-colored beer with a slightly hazy appearance. Small, Quick off-white head. Good texture: 3,5/5
The aroma has nutty, dried fruits, plums, and ryemeal bread notes. Very basic stuff, but it works well: 3,5/5
Mouthfeel is medium-full and warming. Low bitterness. Easily drinkable, despite definitely feeling like a strong brew still: 3,75/5
The taste gives you a nice touch of fruity and caramel sweetness with some plums, raisins, and nutty flavors. The aftertaste also has a pleasant balanced sweetness: 11/15
Overall balanced and pleasant. Nothing harsh. Perhaps even a bit too easy. I wouldn't mind this having some challenging/more complexity in it. I have a few more Ukrainian beers waiting at home. This is a fairly good first experience of what this nation can offer in terms of beer: 14/20
Beer Hunter
2 years ago