@ Au Coin Mousse (CLOSED PERMANENTLY)2 years ago
Beer 2/4. Vintage 2019. Displays murky black. A fawn, silky head remains below one finger. However, it contacts very sluggishly, evidencing protracted retention.
Black cherry and blackberry are among the fruity elements of the fragrance. Coffee follows behind. Maybe also blackcurrant. Portwine barrel comes forward without hesitation. Purple grape and a drop of red wine can also be spotted.
Coffee is sour and astringent on the tastebuds. Blackcurrant is also present, both in the form of berry and woody twig. Portwine barrel shows its presence discreetly. Bitter old plum skin lingers in the background. All in all, complexity reduces to some extent from the air.
The body is surprisingly light, almost thin. Yet, this should clock 6 %. The finish doesn't improve from upfront, neither does it deteriorate.
The mouthfeel is light, moderately tart, faintly vinous and barrel aged. It's dry and drying, even astringent but puckering only marginally. I anticipated more.