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Choc Mool 6.5%, Independence Brewing Co, United States
1 notes
Choc Mool
6.5% Flavoured Stout / Pastry Stout
Mexican-Style Chocolate Stout


Post author: Edgeworth
@ Ray's Cave
2 years ago
Choc Mool, United States
Using Duo with my son-in-law to critique a beer I brought back from Texas. Mexican style chocolate Stout has us both excited. Seems to have poured light for a stout. Medium size head which disappeared almost before I could get a photo. Notes of chocolate and roast malt on the aroma. Texture is light but it's soft and very dry. A delicious rich roasted malt appears first and only until the finish does a dry cocoa chocolate begin to show. It's disappointing to have to give a beer, that I like, a lower rating than it otherwise would deserve. But this is a Mexican Stout. None of the cinnamon or vanilla that defines this style was present. Misrepresenting the characteristics of the beer results in crushing expectations.