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Black Damnation 30 Sjovoev 13.0%, De Struise Brouwers, Belgium
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Black Damnation 30 Sjovoev
13.0% Imperial Stout


Post author: Igunator
@ Belgian Happiness
7 months ago
Black Damnation 30 Sjovoev, Belgium
Paahteinen, kuiva ja alkoholinen ba "royal stout" Belgiasta. Ei hassumpaa. Kaatuu lähes ilman vaahtoa, pikimustana. Tuoksu käy nenään lähes konjakkimaisena, alkoholi kärjessä. Mukana myös tummaa suklaata, mallasta ja hitunen bourbonia. Maku on hieman makea, katkera kuin oikein tummassa suklaassa sekä lämmittävä. Jälkimaussa korostuu bourbon joka maistuu voimakkaasti. Lopussa tulee myös jonkin verran humalointia esiin.

Post author: Gustavo
@ Vivalabirra
9 months ago
Black Damnation 30 Sjovoev, Belgium

Post author: Joakim P
Joakim P
10 months ago

Post author: Adrien L
Adrien L
1 year ago

Post author: Jiimies
@ My Wonderful World of Beers
1 year ago
Black Damnation 30 Sjovoev, Belgium
Musta. Paksu, makean paahteinen ja suklainen sekä luumuinen tuoksu. Pehmeä kärki, vahvan alkoholinen ensifiilis. Marjaisaa ja ei niinkään paksua hapokkuutta. Erittäin marjainen!

Post author: Arnald D
Arnald D
2 years ago
Black Damnation 30 Sjovoev, Belgium

Post author: Douta
2 years ago
Black Damnation 30 Sjovoev, Belgium

Post author: Ipanas
@ Koht Õllepood
2 years ago
Black Damnation 30 Sjovoev, Belgium
Pitkän päivän päätteeksi yksi De struisen IS. Tämän sarjan oluita on tullut jokunen maistettua, tällä kertaa ihan onnistunut yksilö. Tummaa suklaata, paahteista kahvia ja salmiakkia, joiden seurana kuivan tammista bourbonia. Ei tämä tyylissään ollut mikään poikkeuksellinen olut, mutta melko laadukas ja maistuva IS.

Post author: Juovo
@ De Struise Webshop
2 years ago
Black Damnation 30 Sjovoev, Belgium
May is the best time for Imperial Stout season, at least when it's Black Damnation -series and number XXX. One year in bourbon barrels. Take my money. Pours pitch black, a slight facet of mahonque in front of light. Head is thin, tan but silky smooth and draws a beautiful pattern on beer. Leaves pretty much sticky foam and oily mark afterwards. The aroma is just huge. Chocolate sauce, mocha, pastry cake with nuttiness and roast chocolate bean with impressive oily, roast and fresh coffee. Bourbon comes with even fresh marmalade like orange and smooth apple, almond and plum are there of course - this palette is just astonishing. Brown sugar and syrup create great things, but not too sweet by any means. Balancing effect from liquorice and dark herbs before great dark malts. Roast grain is robust and fits very well, the woody aspect from barrels favours this element. Taste follows the nose quite well. Dark fruits coming out now are even bigger; plum, raisin, overripe apple and date. Chocolate and mocha with roast bean and nuts goes all the way, pastry side doesn't score off which is good. Solid, but oily coffee bean with roast character is right nose to the face in this beer. Dark syrup and roasted sugar kicks well, liquorice and medicament like herbs spins around mouth long and even bites a bit on tongue. Dark malts with big hand and noble, guite light senses from bourbon float in and build all the basis for this huge bundle. Aftertaste has vanilla as a new article, dark malts, chocolate, oak, dark fruits. Mouthfeel is thick, oily, long lasting, medium carbonate, sticky. Real Struise, this has been almost an hour already in glass and we are just getting more and more alike with every sip. Dayum I like this brewery so much.

Post author: Wosing
@ Ruée vers l'orge
2 years ago
Black Damnation 30 Sjovoev, Belgium
La petite dernière de la famille... Aussi brutale que ses soeurs. En bouche on obtient une bière qui tape a fond la carte du chocolat noir amer. Le vieillissement en fut de bourbon apporte une note légèrement liquoreuse.