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Patrons Project 27.04 // British Culture Archive // DDH IPA 7.0%, Northern Monk Brew Co., England
7 Bewertungen
Patrons Project 27.04 // British Culture Archive // DDH IPA
7.0% English IPA
Collaboration with Drop Project. Released to the brewing world in the late 1990s, admiral is a relative newcomer as far as British hops go, and while it’s not a household name, it might not be unfamiliar to some modern drinkers, having been used in English wine producer chapel down’s now-retired beer range, and even by us in the early days of Northern Monk. Back then we were impressed by the resinous orange aromas it possesses, and its assertive, resinous bettering qualities made it a good domestic equivalent of classic West Coast US hops such as Cascade, Chinook, or Centennial. Here, we’ve teamed it up with two other hops known for their signature orangey vibes; Amarillo, plus the pithy breakfast juice character of Idaho 7 for a DDH IPA beaming with citrussy sunshine.


Post author: Alan M
Alan M
2 years ago

Post author: Thomas
2 years ago
Patrons Project 27.04 // British Culture Archive // DDH IPA, England

Post author: Jos
2 years ago
Patrons Project 27.04 // British Culture Archive // DDH IPA, England

Post author: Mrratch
2 years ago
Patrons Project 27.04 // British Culture Archive // DDH IPA, England
Love the art work on this series and the beers are decent as well.

Post author: nietsrd
@ Northern Monk Smugglers Box
2 years ago
Patrons Project 27.04 // British Culture Archive // DDH IPA, England

Post author: orson
@ Northern Monk Smugglers Box
2 years ago
Patrons Project 27.04 // British Culture Archive // DDH IPA, England
Tuoksussa litsiä, guavaa ja greippiä. Suutuntuma hiilihappoinen, ryhdikäs, raikas, kirpsakka ja kuivahko. Maussa sitrusta, greippiä, kivihedelmiä, guavaa ja hieman karvautta. Jälkimaku kuiva, greippinen ja aika pehmeä. Saisi olla vähän trooppisempi. Kääntyy jopa hieman karvaaksi. Muuten oikein laadukkaan oloinen.

Post author: Karl G
Karl G
@ Northern Monk
2 years ago
Patrons Project 27.04 // British Culture Archive // DDH IPA, England
A lovely cloudy smooth DDH IPA. A really good collaboration and part of the patrons project. Delicious and rounded a great IPA.