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Chocolate Covered Pretzel 7.8%, New Trail Brewing Co, United States
1 ratings
Chocolate Covered Pretzel
7.8% Baltic Porter


Post author: Mr X
Mr X
@ The Pub at Wegmans
3 years ago
Chocolate Covered Pretzel, United States
Started on the lighter side but now I’m going dark. This has some light roasted malt, medium chocolate, medium saltiness, slight bitterness. Salty side gives it a dry finish making you go right in for another sip. This is one that improves as it warms. Overall, does it taste like a chocolate covered pretzel? No, but has some of the qualities. It’s kind of dessert like but one that you could indulge 2, 3 or maybe even 6 (haha). Nice to go dark with some stouts on a cold winter night since we just had a Nor’easter roll thru. Snow totals were low at only 7 inches of fluffy snow. The problem is the 40 - 50 mph wind gusts which at 10 degrees makes it bitter cold. Plus with fluffy snow the sh*t just blows all over the place. Gotta love winter. 🌨❄️⛄️