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Purity of Essence 4.9%, High & Mighty Beer Co., United States
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Purity of Essence
4.9% India Pale Ale
Very possibly the world’s only India Pale Lager, Purity of Essence is a hoppy beer designed for people who think they don’t like hops. Made with 100% German malts and hops, it has plenty of hop bitterness, and all the flavor you need, but none of the harshness you find in many IPA’s. You need a beer you can trust, and that's why we make Purity of Essence. It's an overstuffed blend of the best malts, fresh Noble hops, yeast, and water, brewed according to the German Reinheitsgebot – the Bavarian Purity Law of 1516 – but you won't find anything like this in the Old Country. Vienna and Munich malts add just a bit of color and malty firmness to balance the intense hoppy flavors and aromas that make this brew distinctly American.
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