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Kissing Sexing Casio Poke You Me 5.6%, Pomona Island Brew Co, England
1 betyg
Kissing Sexing Casio Poke You Me
5.6% Sour / Wild Ale
Sour and spicy and sour and sweet and sour, like a Pineapple and Lime Sour with Jalapeño and hints of coriander and mint. The joy of Veritas really is in you.


Post author: James L
James L
@ Olaf's Tun Craft Ale House
3 years ago
Kissing Sexing Casio Poke You Me, England
It’s an acquired taste for sure! Like a lime cordial with an initial jalapeño burst. The pepper strength wears off from the initial taste however it still remains tasty!