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Crack Le Whip 8.0%, Mad Squirrel Brewing, England
4 arviota
Crack Le Whip
8.0% Imperial / Double Milk Stout
Crack Le Whip (Dbl Walnut Milk Stout) You’ve had De La Whip, our walnut whip inspired milk stout, packed with nutty overtones and natural roasty stoutness. Now imagine it, but double the strength, double the flavour and double the smooth, rich, chocolatey notes. Welcome, Crack Le Whip! A deluxe blend that will whip you into shape!


Post author: Sir Talbot Buxomley
Sir Talbot Buxomley
2 years ago
A delicious and rich imperial stout. Lovely on the nose

Post author: Mac
2 years ago
Crack Le Whip, England

Post author: NeiRo21
3 years ago

Post author: Whaddya drink of that!?
Whaddya drink of that!?
3 years ago