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Chocolate Peanut Butter Pretzel Moo-Hoo 8.5%, Terrapin Beer Company, United States
3 notes
Chocolate Peanut Butter Pretzel Moo-Hoo
8.5% Imperial / Double Milk Stout
By combining the harmonious flavors of chocolate and peanut butter with the cracker-like saltiness of pretzel flavor, we have created our tastiest Moo-Hoo to date. Dig into our “Chocolate Peanut Butter Pretzel Moo-Hoo” and enjoy the sweet and savory side of life.


Post author: Edgeworth
@ Ray's Cave
1 year ago
Chocolate Peanut Butter Pretzel Moo-Hoo, United States
Ryan and I are having a good Georgia beer I took to him. The regular Moo-Hoo is really good. Sure hope this tall boy continues that standard. Can smell the peanut butter simply from popping open the can. Incredibly high and meringue-like head. Dark brown color, more like a porter. Nice solid texture, has a gentle softness to it. Straight up front, the peanut butter and even the pretzel is boldly apparent. Pure milk chocolate blends the three together. No searching for the flavors, no analyzing to be done. Three straightforward flavors. The finish makes the 8 1/2% seam much stronger and a small amount of crisp coffee bitterness is the perfect ending. Excellent beer. Came really close to giving it a 5.0 but just couldn't pull the trigger. I'll never complain with a 4.9.

Post author: USER31759
3 years ago