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Más Verde 6.7%, River Roost Brewery, United States
1 notes
Más Verde
6.7% India Pale Ale
One of our most popular IPA’s featuring Citra and Chinook hops. Bursting with juicy citrus – melon. Uno más?


Post author: Grey
@ River Roost Brewery
3 years ago
Más Verde, United States
BEER: Más Verde BREWERY: River Roost Brewery BEER STYLE: IPA COUNTRY: USA ABV.: 6.7% COLOUR (EBC): Orange Juice Yellow (15.0) BITTERS (EBU/IBU): - AROMA: Bit odd. Dry pinewoods meets fresh lemons with dank and pine needly way. HEAD: Two finger tall, white and tight. GREY’S VIEW Citra & Chinook hopped IPA. It’s quite tight one. Some blackpepper with dry spruce needles, somewhat raw and chopped cantaloupe, refreshing lemonjuice and woodsy backdrop entire the way. Mouthfeel is balanced, somewhat soft and mellow. That Chinook works it’s all here. It turns bit on the candied side towards the end making it quite a playful stuff to enjoy. OTHER NOTES: Nicely diverse piece. First glimbse gives dry spruce and woods with citruses while the backend is candy flavoured and even a bit wheaty sweet. CANNED 8/2021 TASTED 11/2021