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Death by King Cake 6.5%, Oskar Blues Brewery, United States
2 notes
Death by King Cake
6.5% Spiced Beer
Red coloured ale brewed with vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, cacao nibs, orange peel and pecans.


Post author: James Š
James Š
@ James' House
2 years ago
Death by King Cake, United States
I got this specifically for Christmas as it sounded Christmassy and it is (was…)!! Vanilla, chocolate and the orange peel are noticeable but the pecans aren’t. Maybe there’s just too much going on, but it’s not an issue, it’s a great beer! The spices tie everything in nicely and subtly. I always think of a non-dark beer that has chocolate in it as something special. Even as a Homebrewer who understands, I still think it’s special. This beer is no exception.

Post author: Frank B
Frank B
@ Beer Sniffers
3 years ago
It pours hazy and red in colour, with a cream coloured head. Aroma is sweet with vanilla and spices. Flavour is sweet vanilla, chocolate and spices.