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Vanguard 4.7%, Bristol Beer Factory, England
1 notes
4.7% India Pale Lager
VANGUARD: The evolution of Bristol street art, a scene that fights the norms of society & questions the status quo. Embracing this journey, this brew takes a German alt-bier, renowned for its depth and dark notes & flips it pale, noble hops and still top-fermented to style. Bringing street art energy. This is a beer for those who fight normal.


Post author: James A
James A
@ The Garden
3 years ago
Vanguard, England
An attractive bright golden colour, they call it a lager but to my mind, that’s slightly under-selling it. Sure, there’s a malty European lager quality to it, but there’s a fruity hop flavour too which is pretty nice. Very refreshing drink.