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Smokey the Beer 4.2%, Newburgh Brewing Company, United States
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Smokey the Beer
4.2% Brown Ale
What happens when you have a little extra Brown Ale to mess around with? You get crazy ideas… like using the taproom’s smoker to smoke some local wild hops and then dry-hopping a small batch of our Brown Ale with them. And so was born Smokey the Beer, our limited release Brown Ale (only available in the taproom). The addition of the smoked hops in Smokey the Beer adds a beautiful smoke character that balances incredibly well with the rich and roasted character of our Brown Ale. Using our in-house smoker, the local wild hops were smoked over Hickory and Applewood. The result is a beer just like our Brown Ale… and nothing like our Brown Ale. Available only in our taproom, this is a nice Autumn beer that won’t be available for long. Smokey the Beer says: “only YOU can prevent friends from drinking bad beer”
IBU: 25
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