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Magic people, Yuzu people 5.0%, Overtone Brewing Co., Scotland
5 ratings
Magic people, Yuzu people
5.0% Berliner Weisse


Post author: Ptitos C
Ptitos C
1 year ago

Post author: SyGran
1 year ago

Post author: SyGran
1 year ago

Post author: Paul G
Paul G
2 years ago
Magic people, Yuzu people, Scotland
Instantly disappearing head on this oddly coloured Berliner Weiss. It looks like when you mixed two different cordials as a kid! Strawberry and yuzu, red and does stand to reason. The aroma it gives off isn't particularly appealing a bit like a medicinal drink with a off putting tang. Again let's put that down to the mix of strawberry and yuzu. Both nice flavours in their own right but how will they be in marriage? Matrimony or a mistake? It is quite sour for a Berliner, that's the first thing I get, the sharp yuzu followed by oddness and finishing with wheat as a Berliner should. That middle though, I'm struggling to stop myself saying it's unpleasant outright and try to give it fair do's... ...nope I concur with myself, initially it's fine but very soon after the strawberry kicks in and it's not nice. It's also not very strawberry tastes more like basil, salt and Calpol. I know basil and strawberry is fashionable and supposedly works, I haven't tried it myself, but this doesn't sit right with me. The salt actually helps it, like a sour Gose with salty finish. But yes, each time I try it, it's odd. I can't really pick out strawberry flavour. You can tell it was made well, it's not a corner cutter or faux craft and I find myself switching from disgust to intrigue. The unpleasantness does reduce after each attempt to analyse it and I feel like maybe someone will like it, not me tho. This is the first beer I've tried by Overtone brewing co and it's not going to leave a good impression on me. Unfortunately I'm going to have a negative bias and association from now on. The best thing about this beer (other than its name) is how sour it is and how it persists, and the fact the strawberry oddity reduces somewhat. Still, that isn't enough to redeem itself for me however. I'm trying hard to get into it and stop thinking of pouring it down the sink...not a ringing endorsement! Mango and yuzu could have been a better choice.

Post author: Jonas M
Jonas M
@ TidensFarver
3 years ago
Magic people, Yuzu people, Scotland